Judy’s Blog

Thank you for connecting with me and joining me in prayer!

As my sister and I entered Maine last week, we were happy and thrilled to be able to visit the Nubble Light in York! It wasn’t just the lighthouse, which is one of our favorites, but the waves!  We expected flat surf, since there was no wind. The ocean was flat as we approached the area. But we were blessed with beautiful waves and the reminder of our God’s awesome power. We are thankful for

I just listened to an incredibly challenging message on Psalm 117, the shortest chapter in the Bible. .  (You can google A GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE OF COVID-19 by David Platt.) O praise the Lord, all ye nations:praise him, all ye people.For his merciful kindness is great toward us:and the truth of the Lord endureth for ever.Praise ye the Lord.  Psalm 117  In this sermon, Pastor Platt brings out the purpose every life, which is to PRAISE THE LORD AMONG THE NATIONS. How

This morning I was reading in 1 Samuel and came to that special passage where David’s friend, Jonathan, encouraged him in the Lord. That is what friends do! And I have seen so much of this in these days of uncertainty: friends encouraging each other in the Lord through His Word. My mind was drawn to John 14:26, where Jesus told His disciples that the Encourager, the Holy Spirit, would bring to remembrance all that

Last Sunday at my sister’s church was “old fashioned day,” and they chose hymns from earlier days. I loved it when they chose one of my favorites from all the way back to my teen years called, “What a Day That Will Be.” This song remains a favorite of mine and I wish it were sung more often! One of the verses says: There’ll be no sorrow there; No more burdens to bear!

Have I ever mentioned how thankful I am for our ABWE hospital in Togo? This 50 bed surgical hospital helps thousands of people each year! The reason for medical ministries is to help people feel better so they can be open to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Because of medical ministry in Togo, so many people have come to Jesus, and a number of local churches have been started. I want to ask you