My purpose in making this site available is to bring glory to our great Creator God for all He has made and to update readers who are interested in the missionary work going on in Togo. In Psalm 104:24, we read that the Lord’s works are many and the earth is full of His riches. What a joy to discover and to display them!
I hope you enjoy the site and find it easy to navigate. You can e-mail me if you have questions; see the “contact” page.
It is a privilege to “Tell of His Wonders” by photos and by posts.
I live and work in Togo, West Africa. My primary responsibility is literature acquisition and distribution in French and a couple of local languages at affordable rates for the people of West Africa. I am serving with ABWE (Association of Baptists for World Evangelism; ABWE.org), and have lived in Togo since 1992. Photography is an integral part of my life and work in Togo.
For His glory,
Judy Bowen
ABWE missionary & photographer