Tell of His Wonders

Togo Hospitals in Need!

Have I ever mentioned how thankful I am for our ABWE hospital in Togo? This 50 bed surgical hospital helps thousands of people each year! The reason for medical ministries is to help people feel better so they can be open to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Because of medical ministry in Togo, so many people have come to Jesus, and a number of local churches have been started.

I want to ask you to pray specifically for our two hospitals in Togo. There are serious staffing and financial needs. The hospital up North in Mango is in need of nurses who can come and stay from several months to a year. The hospital in the South, where I live, is in desperate need of doctors to come for several months at a time. In addition, this hospital has been running for 33 years and desperately needs some renovations.

Here are a few questions for you to think about:
~Are you a doctor or a nurse that could come to Togo for a few months or a year and help out?
~Do you know a doctor or a nurse that you can encourage to come help out in Togo?
~Do you have funds to help with the renovations needed at our southern hospital? (2 million dollars; it’s a lot, but it’s not in any way insurmountable for our awesome God to provide these funds!)
~Would you pray the Lord of the Harvest will meet these needs so people in Togo can ultimately come to know Him? (Luke 10:2 Jesus said : “The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.”)

If you can help, please contact me by email and I’ll put you in touch with our staff here that can help you get started on the way out here. If you can give, let me know and I’ll tell you how to contribute.
Thank you for caring and for praying!
Jeremiah 32:27  “Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for Me?


  • February 12, 2021

    Hello, I read your new stuff on a regular basis. Your humoristic style is awesome, keep up the good work!| Reine Franny Leontina

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